period 2016 - 2019
The Technology Platform of Engineering Production Technology
Mission and Objective
The Technology Platform of Engineering Production Technology (TPSVT) was founded in 2008 as a group of subjects in the field of machining and forming machines. The platform consists of manufacturing companies, research institute and association that have long been operating in the "Machine tools" field in the Czech Republic.
The main objective of the platform is to contribute and share to the development and competitiveness of the machine tool sector through the support of specialized applied research.
Platform is the only and ultimate cluster in the field that formulates and defines a long-term research strategy that builds on subsequent implementation into specific R & D projects. The main area of implementation of the field research strategy is currently the Center of Competence Engineering Production Engineering, supported by Czech Republic Technology Agency, which is focused on solving key long-term research topics for the machine tool sector in the Czech Republic. In addition, the research strategy is used to initiate individual research and development projects of enterprises and academia in the Czech Republic and to initiate international research projects.
The main objectives of the Technology Platform for the period up to 2030 are:
Objective No.1. to maintain and strengthen the competitiveness of industrial production in the European and world scale through research, development and innovation;
Objective No.2. increasing the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between industry companies and research organizations that lead to a new successful production.
The sub-objectives and platform activities
The sub-objectives and activities of the platform are based on the need to work together to formulate and disseminate a research strategy and its implementation from the need to promote ways to enhance business cooperation and the research sphere leading to new and innovative products. The main sub-goals and activities of the platform include:
1. Cooperation with the Government Office of the Czech Republic on the formulation and updating of documents National Policy for Research, Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic and National R & D Strategy for Intelligent Specialization of the Czech Republic RIS3. Cooperation with the Government Office on the implementation of these strategic documents and on removing obstacles to the support of applied research in the Czech Republic.
2. Cooperation with the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, the Association of Research Organizations, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic to identify and remove barriers in the system of support of applied research in the Czech Republic and the promotion of strategic interests of technical fields and engineering production technology.
3. Cooperation with the European Technology Platform MANUFUTURE, CECIMO expert committees and other international professional organizations in order to promote the strategic professional interests of the industry in the Czech Republic and to initiate international cooperation projects, for example under the HORIZONT 2020 or INTERREG programs. TPSVT activities have historically been based on the European Commission's Technology Platform initiative and are in harmony with the Europe 2020 Innovation Union program.
4. Updating of strategic documents of the SVA (Strategic Research Agenda of "Machine Tools" for the Czech Republic) and IAP (Implementation Action Plan for the Implementation of the Research Strategy). Updating documents is based on competitive analysis, market monitoring in practice, and on tracking the current state of research in the world. Entrance analyzes of competition and offers are important information for research routing and identification of competitive topics.
5. Technological foresight is focused on a more detailed analysis of the machine tools users' needs, as well as an analysis of the needs and requirements for final consumer products. With regard to macrotrends, foresight allows for the development of alternative scenarios for the competitive offer of TPSVT members. Based on technology foresight, it is possible to more accurately identify the most effective and most promising topics of research, development and innovation.
6. Sharing knowledge to improve the innovation environment and promote professional excellence in the field. Through the negotiations, promotions, publications and workshops, important information from the field of technical trends, technical and technological innovations, as well as information from the R & D support environment are shared. TPSVT partners are presented to seek new partners for R & D cooperation and to strengthen innovation partnerships.
History of TPSVT
The Technology Platform of Engineering Production Technology (TPSVT) was founded in 2008 as a group of subjects in the field of machining and forming machines. There are 24 manufacturing companies, 4 industry associations and 3 research centers of the Czech Technical Universities. Over the past eight years the TPSVT has implemented two projects in the OPPI (Operational Program for Business and Innovation) program and has now submitted the project to the OP PIK (Operational Program for Business, and Innovation for competition) project Technology Platform. TPSVT was awarded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as a successful project within the OPPI program and the specific projects of applied research initiated by TPSVT were twice awarded the prestigious award Best R & D cooperation between industry and research.